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Vert Beats #20 11-22-2019

Nuits Blanches – Alexis Berg

You like running at night? I think a lot of you would agree that one of the most challenging things about running an ultra is the night section of it. Whether that be just a couple of hours before sunrise or all night long (or even two nights long, like most of the runners who do the full loop around Mont Blanc during UTMB) this can make you either really excited, scared, anxious or any other types of feelings and/or emotions that you don’t usually have to confront during your day to day training. 

We leave you with the beautiful short film, and a couple of pictures, from photographer Alexis Berg. The film follows this year’s UTMB and shows the mixed feelings it produces in people as they run through the darkness with the beam of their headlight as their only sources of light during the night.

You can watch the video here. 

ECS San Francisco &  WRMA K42 Argentina

In last week’s newsletter, we told you about these two big, exciting races happening on the weekend. Now we leave you with the recap of the World Championship, which ended with the Spaniard team victorious on the men’s side, and the French team of ladies standing at the top of the podium. Plus, here’s the recap from iRunfar of what happened in the 50 miles ECS championship in San Francisco. 

Also, we leave you with this recap video of the K42 action.

“Last Women Standing: The Barkley Marathons 2019”. 

By now, the Barkley Marathon is no longer a secret to anyone in (or even out of) the ultra scene. It’s been getting more and more attention from the media and press (it even went mainstream in a Netflix documentary) over the last couple of years. We share here the movie of Nicky Spinks, who started this year’s race with the clear intention of being the first woman–ever–to finish the 5 laps of the course.

You can watch the movie here. 


What to read:

More than once, we have shared info about the importance of rest in any training plan. We’re not going to stop talking about this, because it’s one of the most important pillars we have in our own philosophy here at Vert Run. It’s never a bad time to repeat that it is while we’re resting that our bodies can absorb all the training and stress we’ve been doing run after run; so as always, we encourage you to take care of your body and mind, listen to what it’s telling you, and respect your rest days!

You can read more here. 

What to listen to:

“Speed vs. safety” is often a subject more related to the vertical world (meaning, climbing) and more classic mountaineering, but nowadays it is also important to ask ourselves what we risk when we decide to go to the mountains for a run wearing just a pair of short shorts and a t shirt–especially when we don’t know the environment where we’re going to run. It’s definitely worth listening to and reflecting about what safety in the mountains means for each of us. 

You can listen to the podcast here. 

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