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Vert Beats: New Indoor Plan 2.

Brand new free plan: Indoor Plan 2.0

We had great feedback from those of you who trained with our original “Free Indoor Training Plan,” so we decided to launch “Version 2.0” of the plan to give you motivation and structure if you’re stuck indoors.

We know that each country is going through different running rules due to COVID–no matter what, we encourage you to keep being active even if you can’t go outside to run right now.

Start training with our new and improved FREE indoor plan 2.0 now

UTMB 2020?

It’s a little less than 4 months to go until the year’s biggest race for our sport–and we’re still far from knowing if the event will take place as planned or not. This week, the French health minister specified that they will not allow any sporting event with more than 5,000 people…which puts the UTMB in a hard spot, since with all the races combined, they have double that number.

Event thought there hasn’t been an official statement by the race (and don’t expect one before the end of May) they already said that want to do everything they can to move forward with the festival of races, as long as health guidelines permit.

Even if UTMB were to move ahead as planned, would you see yourself traveling abroad for a race like the UTMB? What do you think?


What to watch:

Even though this may not be directly related to trail running and ultras, here’s a video about one of the most key aspects of any training plan: the famous “long run.” You will see how important and almost sacred this kind of training is for marathoners–but for many of us trail + ultra runners, this is also often one of our favorite trainings. Long runs are when we get to explore and enjoy the mountains and trails with other people.

You can watch the video here.

What to watch:

This week, we’re really into another FKT attempt video: but this time, it’s an old one. The same director of Unbreakable (third week in a row mentioning Unbreakable right? Haha) re-released on YouTube the FKT attempt of duo Hal Koerner and Mike Wolf trying to chase the FKT on one of the most remote and wild trails in the USA: the John Muir Trail. Even though this movie is from 2013, we definitely recommend checking it out. Great for putting on in the background of your indoor workouts.

You can watch the video here.

What to listen to:

When should I walk instead of running? Is it more efficient for me to power-hike this hill, or to run it? We imagine a lot of you have asked yourself this kinds of questions (we know we have!) so we leave you with this very technical podcast that discusses the topic of when to run vs. when to walk in a trail situation, based on a study that tried to find the answer. Spoiler alert: it’s different for everybody….so it is very important to work on understanding your own “perceived rate exertion” and of course to practicing walking (or power-hiking) during your training.

You can listen to the podcast here.

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