How much to drink and how in long runs

Drinking is as important as fueling and mostly in long runs. Doesn’t matter if it’s cold or hot, drinking is very important, and even more if you’re running at altitude. 

When I talk about drinking, It’s mostly water but also some energy and hydration drinks can be a good addition too. I will recommend drinking 50/50 of water and other drinks, just because water is good for you and it’s very very good to keep your body hydrated, other drinks are good too but don’t take it to the extreme of just doing “special drinks”. 

For long or short runs, in general, it’s better to drink small quantities on a regular basis, like 3 or 4 sips of water or other drink, every 15 minutes, so over an hour you can drink a whole ½ liter for example. That will be easier on your body than finishing the ½ liter at once. 

Always try to pace yourself on the drinking too, if you know that you won’t have water in a while let’s say 2 hours and you have ½ liter, then make it last, instead of 4 sips every 15 minutes, do 2 sips every 15 minutes and make it last until the end, this is also good practice for a race where we tend to run out of water. 

Now, contradicting what I just said above, in races we also tend to arrive at an aid station and drink, drink, drink before leaving, this can cause problems if we’re not used to doing it, so go ahead and try it out. Maybe even before an easy run, drink a little bit more of what you would normally do, and see how you feel, then you can increase the amount of water slowly on different runs to get used to drinking more on an aid station and then run feeling comfortable. 

In general the rule is to drink constantly and not in big quantities and make whatever you have until you know there’s water close or you find water, try to avoid running out of water and refill everytime you can and need. It’s always better to have a little extra weight in water than running out of it. 

Do you have any trick to remember how to drink constantly? And also, what do you prefer to drink? Water or products? And if so, which products? 

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Est-ce que tu cours trop vite ? Échelle de perception de l’effort + guide pour les trails et ultras

Peu importe ton niveau d’expérience en trail, tu as probablement un temps limité pour t’entraîner. Même les traileurs professionnels doivent presque toujours équilibrer leur entraînement avec un emploi à temps bien rempli. Ainsi, puisque ton temps est précieux, tu devrais tirer le meilleur parti de chaque minute de tes séances d’entraînement en trail.

Alors, quel est le meilleur moyen de savoir si une séance d’entraînement est efficace ? Notre réponse : en prêtant attention à ton niveau d’effort perçu à l’entraînement. Chez, nous appelons cela RPE ou “Échelle d’Effort Perçu”.

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La importancia de armar una base sólida como trail runners

¿Cuántos corredores se inscriben en una carrera, se dicen que van a empezar a entrenar más tarde y terminan apurando la preparación cuando se dan cuenta de que se está acabando el tiempo…? Tal vez te haya pasado a ti o a alguno de tus amigos cercanos.

El problema es que no tienes tiempo para construir una base sólida que te permita absorber el entrenamiento más específico. Puedes terminar lesionado, sobreentrenado y ni siquiera llegar a la línea de salida de tu carrera.

En un programa de entrenamiento periodizado, la fase de construir una buena base está diseñada para desarrollar tu capacidad aeróbica y prepararse para entrenamientos más específicos.

En este artículo, vamos a explorar los beneficios de construir una base sólida para el trail running.