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Vert Beats #24 12-20-2019

Rob Krar’s Never-Ending Race

We’re sure heard of Rob Krar and his victories at Western States–or, that you’ve heard of at least one of his many first places over the years in the ultra world. But maybe not so many of you know about Rob’s other big challenge, which is his ongoing battle with depression. 

We leave you with this very nice profile that Outside Magazine wrote about Rob, and how he deals with his day-to-day life when he gets into these dark “holes.” He also talks about how the relationship he has built with his wife and the trail community has been crucial for him when it comes to overcoming the bad times. It is definitely inspiring when athletes use their voice to speak loud and clear about other things that aren’t related purely with their sport, and encourage people to talk about mental health. Thanks, Rob. 

You can read the profile here. 

UTWT 2019 – 2020

A few weeks ago we had the last race of the UTWT race series in South Africa with the Ultra Trail Cape Town. This week, we had the award ceremony for the winners and the announcement of next year’s races. We leave you with the details of the announcement, in which you can find all the classic races that have been part of the circuit plus the new ones. Also, we remind you the UTMB sign-up process has already started, so best of luck for those who get in. 

You can check out article here

The year is coming to an end and we at are very excited about some new things that we’ve been working on these last couple of months. It’s been a great year for us, and we’re looking forward to a 2020 with new stuff to offer you when it comes to training for trails and ultras. Keep your eyes open, we’re launching some cool things that can help you set and make those 2020 goals a reality! 


What to read:

Setting high goals, training and preparing for them (and sacrificing a lot of stuff along the way) to achieve what you set out to do, but still coming up short? Have you ever been through this? Well, it happens to athletes of all levels and that shouldn’t stop you from trying every time. We leave you with this great article about an American marathoner who set out to qualify for the US marathon team and came up short by just few minutes. Definitely some important take-aways about valuing the whole process instead of just the results.

You can read the article here

What to listen to:

It’s hard for us not to share every new interview that’s released with one of our favorite people in this sport: Rickey Gates. We love this guy not only for his creative projects involving running and exploration, but for his whole vision of how the sport can relate to many other aspects of your life. In this podcast, Rickey talks about what is been up to with things like his “Bus-Run-Bus” trip he did this year, and of course about the release of his book “Cross Country” which tells his journey of crossing the USA on foot, among other things. Always worth a listen!

You can listen to the interview here. 

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