Happy Holidays!
This is the last Vert Beats of the year, and we couldn’t be more happy for what we have accomplished–with you–this year. We can’t say thanks you enough to all 11,000 of you who have trusted us with your training plans! We also want to congratulate you for all the miles you’ve run this year and we can’t wait to keep growing with you next year.
Best of wishes to all of you and your loved ones this holiday season.
‘Lorena, Light-Footed Woman’ – Netflix Documental
If you read the best-selling book “Born to Run,” you’ve probably heard about this Mexican tribe called the Tarahumara–who besides being famous for running long distances in sandals (call “Huaraches”), are well-known for their quality as runners. Now we leave you with this Netflix documentary, about Lorena, one of the best female runners of the tribe and her story.
You can watch the trailer here.
“Will The Future of Alpinism Belong To Runners?”
Rock and Ice magazine talks about how classic alpinism records of the highest mountains on earth have now started falling to mountain runners. With examples like the “Summits of my Life” project from Kilian Jornet, the Seven Summits of Karl Egloff and the more well-documented case of Uli Steck training (who put a big emphasis on developing his aerobic and endurance systems) for his mountaineering projects, it might appear to be the case. Very interesting article if you like the history of alpinism and you practice other mountain-related sports.
You can read the article here.
What to read:
This end of the year also marks the end of a decade, so it’s common to see recaps of the last ten years. Today we leave you with this ranking (from the site SCMP) of “the best” 20 ultra runners of the decade. If you haven’t been running for a while, you may see some names that don’t ring a bell, but they sure had some amazing performances at the beginning of the decade. Is your favorite ultra runner in the ranking?
What to listen to:
Have you ever wondered about the process a product has to go through before hitting the shelves for you to buy it and put it in your running pack for long run or a race? Well, in this interview, Roxanne Vogel (Nutrition & Performance Research Manager from GU) talks about that and other stuff like: the history of one of their most famous lines of products (at least in the ultra running world) which is Roctane; the new trends in the sport nutrition industry; and of course, some very valuable advice for you try out on your next long run or race.