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Vert Beats: Reasons to keep training in the winter

4 reasons to keep training in the winter

Now that the northern hemisphere is heading into winter, we know many of you tend to think that trail running season is over…but that really isn’t true.

Actually, there’s no better time of the year to start working on the basics and build the solid foundation that will help you become a stronger runner for the summer season (and the rest of your life.) And the good part? You can always mix running with some fun winter activities and some cross-training too.

It’s not all about running.

Read about the reasons to keep training in winter.


What to watch:

On shoes launched a new kind of video. It shows two of their athletes doing an epic mountain route from Cervinia in Italy to Chamonix, France and finishing at the summit of the mythical Mont Blanc. What’s the not-so-common part? The video has it all: some action shots, some animation and even a narrator. Pretty interesting mix.

You can watch the video here.

What to read:

Have you ever wanted to get your kids into running, too? Or maybe you have a friend that’s asked you about how to start trail running? Well, we just launched a brand new *free* 5k trail training plan designed for that, brought to you by rnnr. This 8-week program is family-friendly and is designed to have very reachable goals for first-time runners.

You can read more about the plan here.

What to listen to:

One of the only good things about this strange year is that without much racing and traveling going on, we’ve seen a lot of content from pro athletes. A great example of this is this podcast featuring Kilian Jornet (We know, this is the 4th podcast about Kilian we’ve shared recently…but it’s interesting to learn from him.) We leave you with the latest from Mario Fraioli interviewing Kilian on well, a lot of topics. From training to his view on the sport nowadays, and how his risk perception has changed the last couple of years. As usual, this is very much worth listening to…maybe during your long run this weekend? 🙂

You can listen to the podcast here.

Like we said back in June, we’ll be donating each month–and encourage you to donate–to a different running group within the Black running and outdoor community. The organization for this month: Black Running Organization

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