Get ready 

to crush it 



des Matheysins

2020 edition

Photo credit : ©Cyrille Quintard has partnered with the Skyrace des Matheysins to bring you a Special  training plan designed by world class skyrunner Pascal Egli that:

  • Comes with our Vert coaches training support (Twice a week on your training dashboard)
  • Auto-adapts to your level of experience
  • Auto-adapts to your training conditions (city, mountains, trails, etc.)
  • Fits your schedule based on how often you can train each week
  • Specifically prepares you for a technical mountain sky running race. 

Matheysins runners special price €16/month

Coupon code: matheysins

(Instead of €21/month)

SKyrace des Matheysins date

October 17th and 18th of 2020

*Race registration still open

Start building

your strength

With a 4 weeks plan


By Vlad Ixel

To get you back to the


fast & strong

Photo credit : ©Cyrille Quintard

Start building your base with a 4 weeks training program designed by Vlad’s Ixel. 

**The special pricing applies to Vlad’s Ixel or Pascal Egli training programs for runners registered on the 2020 edition of the Skyrace thes Matheysins.