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We asked our community of trail and ultra runners around the world some questions about how they’re confronting COVID-19.

Here’s what they said


What are you missing the most right now? 

I miss ‘social distancing’ being part of the practice. It’s often a part of the long run’s allure for me. Sure the other pieces remain: the wind in your face, your blood pumping, maybe even an elusive high, etc. However, a normal day in my city can leave you overwhelmed and sometimes feeling claustrophobic, so a long run can be a strong prescription. Lately everything feels a bit inverted or flat.  (No pun intended.)

What’s keeping you “sane,” or motivated on a daily basis? 

My backyard has saved me during this crisis. I’ve lived in a lot of places in NYC and few have had a backyard. It’s given me a place to workout, get fresh air, and relax and enjoy the spring sun. 

Seeing the great stuff a lot of NYC-based runners are doing has kept me motivated. Joe from Orchard Street Runners and David Kilgore, just to name a couple.

Can you tell me about one of your nicest outdoor / running memories? 

Spending a week in Utah, at trail fest, camping just outside the National Parks and racing through three different half-marathon-long courses over three days was the best running experience I’ve ever had.  I had never been further west than Tennessee and always dreamed of the canyons of the National parks and I was spending a week out there doing what I love with my girlfriend, Chloe, my sister, and my brother-in-law. Couldn’t ask for any more than that!

What’s your trail running goal or plan for when all of this is Corona virus is “over?”

My plan for when this is all over is to run more races. A goal would be to not just sign up for a couple of races and treat them as life or death. 

Also I won’t take for granted getting to run alongside The Dashing Whippets. Running clubs just got even more special.

And I guess the one last thing I would ask is: how do you think you can “come back stronger” after all this coronavirus stuff?

I’ve definitely had time to work on muscle imbalances and weaknesses…but for real this time. It’s always something I feel like I need to address, but time doesn’t always allow…at least that’s what I tell myself. This strange time is helping me learn about how to structure my days, organize priorities, and manage time better. 

Also, I’m learning how to use all of the leftovers in the fridge! Since going to the grocery store is now, mostly, a once-a-week thing, I’m learning to plan out meals and make the most of what I have in the house!

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