Hail Mary 50k
We know that this year has been tough on everybody; lots of races canceled or postponed, and overall uncertainty which is not the ideal environment for being motivated to train hard. Even though it may sound like a surprise, the end of 2020 is right around the corner (what?) and we, like many of you, don’t want to see this year end without doing something epic.
That’s why we launched our Hail Mary 50k party: to motivate you run a 50k before 2020 ends. It can be a “real” race happening close to home, or you can design your own route close to home (with our paid plans, we’ll help you design the route.) The idea is to get you excited about running again again!
Sounds cool?
Find out more details here.
What to watch:
Stephen Kersh went from being 7th at the Western States 100 and had one of his most epic days on the trail to not being able to run at all–all within two months. He as diagnosed with an auto-inmune disease that pretty much left him unable to run at all, and with a lot of doubt about his future as a runner. This week, we share with you this video about his coming back and trying to go for an FKT–which actually means way more to him than just hitting a certain time. Things like this are always a good reminder to appreciate every single day we’re out there on the trails doing what we love.
What to watch:
At the beginning of this jam-packed FKT season we’ve had so far, we shared about the record on the Ice Age Trail set by Coree Woltering. So this week, we share this video about his attempt and what it meant for him: being out there for more than 21 days, representing and inspiring a lot of people along the way. Especially in this tough year, stories like Coree’s are a great encouragement.
What to listen to:
These last couple of weeks, we’ve shared about the FKTs set on the Wonderland Trail (which goes all around Mt. Rainier.) Just in these past few weeks, the women’s record has been broken once (with Kaytlyn Gerbin running the 4th fastest time ever on the trail) and twice on the men’s side, with Dylan Bowman first and then Tyler Green a few days after. Today, we’re sharing Dylan’s latest episode from his podcast “The Well,” in which he interviewed Tyler and both discuss their record attempts and how they went.
Like we said back in June, we’ll be donating each month–and encourage you to donate–to a different running group within the Black running and outdoor community. The organization for this month: The Melanin Basecamp.