Francesco Puppi

Francesco Puppi

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How to know if you’re on track with your training?

How to know if you’re on track with your training?

Energy level, training load and mark as done rate: how they work, why they are useful and how you can take advantage of them?

It’s been a spring of great changes for all of us at Vert: the app release, the new chat interface and a user-friendly system that will help both you and your coaches better monitor your training.

Our smart dashboard now includes three new indicators that will provide us a very precise idea of how an athlete’s training is proceeding, based on a self evaluation score (energy level rate) and two parameters related to the completed workouts and the overall running load. These indicators naturally adapt to each athlete’s training plan to provide a complete picture of his/her progress.

Training load Rate Example.

How to know if you’re on track with your training? 

The mark as done rate:

“The percentage of completed workouts over the total assigned workouts up to now”.

Will tell you and your coach this information in one simple view. The scale of colors (red-orange-yellow-green) corresponds to different levels of achievement. 

That’s why it’s essential that after you complete a training session, you mark it as done in our app!

Here are some examples:

  • A red light (corresponding to 0-30% completed workouts) probably means that an athlete should move to a new, easier plan, or restart his program.
  • A yellow light (51 to 75% completed workouts) means that he/she is almost on track, and that with some more commitment or a few changes to the plan it can perfectly fit his/her schedule.

How do we know if the training load and workout intensity are appropriated to you? 

Energy and Workouts achieved rate
Energy and Workouts achieved rate

The energy level rate:

Is a simple and easy to understand self evaluation score that gives us a good idea of how an athlete is doing. We believe that each training program should be tailored to the athlete’s level and necessities: that’s why two of our core values are personalization and adaptation, thanks to our coaches’ weekly interaction and check-ins. 

Most workouts in our training plans are based on RPE (rate of perceived effort) to understand the appropriate intensity at which they should be run: an invaluable tool that teaches us to always listen to ourselves, besides paying attention to other external parameters. 

The energy level rate has a similar idea behind: on a scale from 1 to 8, where 8 corresponds to very high energy levels, you can assign a score to your perceived energy level on any given day. Our App calculates the weekly average and helps you and your coach understand your energy trends. 

For example:

  • If you’re marking too many consecutive days with a low energy level (2-4) that’s an indicator of stress and fatigue;
  • A high (6-8) score during the final weeks leading up to a race means that the tapering is going as it should and the athlete is absorbing all the good work. 

How do we know if we need to edit, restart or change your plan?

Training load Rate Example.

The Running load rate:

It expresses the percentage of total running time logged by an athlete with respect to the total hours of running suggested by the training plan, up to the point where the plan is at.

For example, if an athlete has logged 16 hours of running in the first 2 weeks of his/her training plan, which has 12 hours of total running time, his running load rate would be 16/12 = 133%: over the suggested training volume. In this case, the athlete might need a higher volume training plan or reduce a little bit so as not to risk overtraining.

Again, constant feedback with the coach will be crucial in order to adjust what is needed. If an athlete is logging 30 to 50% of what the program suggests, maybe he/she needs an easier plan, or some adjustments, or some encouragement by the coach!.

Train smarter, easier, stronger: get ready to unlock your full potential with Vert.

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Keep yourself inspired:

Est-ce que tu cours trop vite ? Échelle de perception de l’effort + guide pour les trails et ultras

Peu importe ton niveau d’expérience en trail, tu as probablement un temps limité pour t’entraîner. Même les traileurs professionnels doivent presque toujours équilibrer leur entraînement avec un emploi à temps bien rempli. Ainsi, puisque ton temps est précieux, tu devrais tirer le meilleur parti de chaque minute de tes séances d’entraînement en trail.

Alors, quel est le meilleur moyen de savoir si une séance d’entraînement est efficace ? Notre réponse : en prêtant attention à ton niveau d’effort perçu à l’entraînement. Chez, nous appelons cela RPE ou “Échelle d’Effort Perçu”.

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La importancia de armar una base sólida como trail runners

¿Cuántos corredores se inscriben en una carrera, se dicen que van a empezar a entrenar más tarde y terminan apurando la preparación cuando se dan cuenta de que se está acabando el tiempo…? Tal vez te haya pasado a ti o a alguno de tus amigos cercanos.

El problema es que no tienes tiempo para construir una base sólida que te permita absorber el entrenamiento más específico. Puedes terminar lesionado, sobreentrenado y ni siquiera llegar a la línea de salida de tu carrera.

En un programa de entrenamiento periodizado, la fase de construir una buena base está diseñada para desarrollar tu capacidad aeróbica y prepararse para entrenamientos más específicos.

En este artículo, vamos a explorar los beneficios de construir una base sólida para el trail running.