INDOOR RUNNING - smart training plans for smart trail runners

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we know you miss that running feeling. so do we.

Running at home: a list of the best cardio exercises you can do at home with no equipment-Indoor Running

The idea here is simple: to understand which indoor cardio workouts “equal” a run.

To calculate the calories you burn from each of these exercises, use this formula:

METs x 3.5 x (your body weight in Kilograms) / 200 = calories burned per minute.

Click here to learn how many calories you burn on a normal run.

running in place

30 min of this exercise = a 2.5 mile run at 7.5 mph

jump rope + single leg squat

30 min of this exercise = a 4.2 mile run at 7.5 mph

jumping jacks + burpees

30 min of this exercise = a 3.5 mile run at 7.5 mph

heismans + standing mountain climbers

30 min of this exercise = a 4.2 mile run at 7.5 mph