The Importance of Base-Building for Trail Runners
How many runners sign-up for a race, tell themselves they’ll start training later and end up rushing the preparation when they realize they’re running out of time…?
Trail Running FAQs: Cultura de trail, tus dudas básicas resueltas
Todas tus dudas respecto a comenzar a hacer trail running!
Tempo runs for trail runners
Tempos are moderately hard efforts that you can sustain for extended periods (up to an hour) without exceeding your “lactate threshold”— the pace at which blood lactate waste starts accumulating faster than it can be flushed out and you begin
What’s a Fartlek run and why it’s key for trail runners
Fartlek is the most natural and simple session you could think of: a game of speed. In this article, we will explore how to run a fartlek and why it can be a key session in your plan. Francesco Puppi
What’s a great pre training breakfast?
Of a course there’s not one fit’s all answer for this, but I’m sure that you can get some good ideas here for a great pre trail running training breakfast. One good rule is to start by not making huge
How much to drink and how in long runs
Drinking is as important as fueling and mostly in long runs. Doesn’t matter if it’s cold or hot, drinking is very important, and even more if you’re running at altitude. When I talk about drinking, It’s mostly water but also
What to eat on a intensity trail running training
Intensity workouts are tricky, you want to run fast, hard and feel strong but at the same time we’re more sensitive to everything, and mostly to eating. Our body is so focused on the running hard part of it that