We asked our community of trail and ultra runners around the world some questions about how they’re confronting COVID-19.
Here’s what they said
What are you missing the most right now?
Definitely the biggest part that I’m missing the most is the camaraderie and the banter with my running group, especially on the weekend long run. A lot of the guys have completed 50 and 100km races and I just love running with them, they give me such an injection of confidence and motivation.
What’s keeping you “sane,” or motivated on a daily basis?
The biggest thing that is keeping me sane and motivated is that I’m spending a lot of time running with my 16 year old son Zack which is really cool. He even said to me this morning, “I really like running with you Dad, we make a good team. I’m helping you with your speed and you’re helping me with my endurance.” That’s special.

Can you tell me about one of your nicest outdoor / running memories?
The best moment was me running my first 30km trail race, and my whole family crewed. They were tracking me along the course and were popping out all over the place cheering me along, then were at the finish to cheer me in. Awesome!!
What’s your goal or plan for when all of this is “over?”
My goal race is to run my first 50km trail race this year as I will be turning 50 this year–it’s got a nice ring to it!! Plus, it’s time to step up. The race I’m going to run is called the Guzzler Ultra Trail here in Brisbane. The course is my training ground, and the best part is that my running club will be manning some of the checkpoints, so there will be heaps of cheering and fun along the way.
And I guess the one last thing I would ask is: how do you think you can “come back stronger” after all this coronavirus stuff?
I believe confidence and loving what you are doing is key to coming back stronger, fitter and faster. I’ve been spending heaps of time working on my core strength and mobility from watching your YouTube videos, the exercises you have on your web pages as well videos from another North Face trail runner Vlad Ixel. I can’t thank you guys enough!!
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