Aid Station Strategies for trail & ultra runners

A good aid station plan can make a great race out of one that you thought about dropping out of earlier on. A poor strategy can cause you to have to drop from lack of fueling needs, unattended injuries, or faulty equipment. Plan for what you can, train consistently, and anything else that happens is out of your control. Enjoy the process and learn forward!

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Nutrition FAQs – for Trail and Ultrarunners

One of our main goals and missions at Vert.run is to demystify the sport of trail running and ultrarunning, and to open the door really wide and show you that you belong here too. And one of the ways that we do that is by making as much information as accessible as we can for you. In this blog post, we’re going to walk through some FAQs that trail runners of all levels have about nutrition–and even if you’re an experienced veteran ultrarunner, there’s good info in here for you, too.

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Q+A: Nutrition and Gear

We know that as trail runners, the questions never end. No matter how many years we’ve been trail running–and no matter if we’re prepping to run our first trail 5k or our first 100 miler ultramarathon–there are always tons of things we ask ourselves.

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